2011 A-Z Book Challenge
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

New challenge – by book title   Duration: January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011 Read 26 books which titles begin with the letters of the alphabet. You may ignore articles like A, An and The at the beginning of the title. For the letters “X” “Z”, any book title containing the letter in it is acceptable. You…

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Happy New Year!
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

2011 Recap and best wishes for you all! What a wonderful year we had together! I can barely believe it's almost over. I had a lot of fun online as well as offline... and I am happy to see that the blog is getting appreciation from more book fans everyday. Thank you all! For the next year (in terms of…

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Merry Christmas!
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

Hello Everyone! I wish you all to have the best holiday ever, to enjoy snow, have fun with your friends, and spend some magical moments with your loved ones. “I wish you well may all your dreams come true / I wish you well no clouds to hide your view / I wish you peace, and friends / and many…

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Existence Trilogy
By Abbi Glines

I won’t say much about this book as I usually don’t review the books I don’t like. And surprise-surprise, I didn’t quite like it. Still, I have to get it out of my head, so here it comes.. my review wanna be (or if you wish my bubbling thoughts): I blame it on the cover! I hate the…

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Touch of Power
Book #1 in Healer Series
By Maria V. Snyder

I have this strong belief that you should read someone’s books in the order they have been published, because usually the last ones are better than the first ones. Of course this is not a rule, and it doesn’t really apply here either. I had high hopes after reading Poison Study last year. It’s not…

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Faves of TwentyEleven – The characters
In TwentyEleven

Fave characters of 2011:   We love them, we hate them, we care for them even more than we want or should. They are all here to make us smile or cry, they take us on all their journeys and they make us believe that all is possible when you close your eyes and dream. They give…

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Faves of TwentyEleven – The books
In TwentyEleven

Fave reads of 2011:   It is that time of the year, when we step back to reflect on the year passing, looking longingly to the year ahead, and wondering which were our best moments so far. This applies to the books we’ve read as well. I still can’t believe that the year it’s almost over.. There are so many…

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Dreaming after Midnight (#7) Henry
In Dreaming after Midnight

Book Boyfriend #7: Henry from Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally. What we know: "Favorite color? Silver. Favorite band? Led Zeppelin. Favorite vacation? A cross-country trip with his dad to the Grand Canyon. Mustard or mayo? Ketchup. Birthday? December 1". PROS: He is cute, funny, honest, caring, a good friend and a good football player...

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Catching Jordan
Book #1 in Hundred Oaks Series
By Miranda Kenneally

Ha-haa, what a fun way to spend the evening. This book was amazingly cute, and the characters too adorable for words. From Jordan and Henry, to JJ, Carter, Ty and the girls, and even the family members – they were all so great that I wished for them to be part of my life. They filled my day with…

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Book #1 in Legend Series
By Marie Lu

You know those books you read that seem to get only better with time? That you like the first time around, love the second time, and then love seems only to grow to adoration from there? Legend is one of those. It was everything I wanted, it’s a book I will be definitely coming back to and I can’t wait…

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Summer in the City
By Elizabeth Chandler

“Change can be good. It just depends on what we make of it.” Talking about a hot contemporary romance… Did I love this book? You bet! And you can play safe and cheep with only 5 bucks since I’m pretty sure that I’m gonna win. This book had all I want in a lovely contemporary romance: a great…

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In The Christmas Mood
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

I am not good at waiting If it were up to me I would be celebrating Christmas already. I would go buy my Christmas tree right now, I would make it pretty, I would turn on the Christmas lights, I would listen Christmas songs and I would wait for Santa to come. …With presents, lots of presents 😀…

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Please Ignore Vera Dietz
By A.S. King

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. They’ve been friends since forever, they cared for each other, they played and went to school together, they were inseparable. They fell in love. …Until they grew up. Until things got complicated. Until there was no longer a boy and a girl.

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Until the day that I meet Day
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

Soon to come: “Legend” by Marie Lu   If you are new to this title, I will let you know that Legend is the most highly anticipated book I’m waiting for in this November.There are only 2 more days until it gets out and I can’t wait to get my hands and eyes on it and savor every single page of it. In the meantime I…

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Lola and the boy next door
Book #2 in Anna and the French Kiss Series
By Stephanie Perkins

I'm definitely going to burn in hell.. Oh, that awkward moment when everybody loves a book and you don't understand why... You know that feeling, right? Well, yeah, I'm pretty much living it. I thought I would love it to pieces, too bad it didn't work that way :| It's not that I DIDN'T…

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When there’s no book around..

Question: What occupies your time when your nose isn’t stuck in a book? Well, this week my nose was pretty much safe, thank you very much for your concern, as I couldn’t stick it in books as much as I wanted to. Usually work is what keeps me away from reading. When I have something important that I have to finish, I…

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Shatter Me
Book #1 in Shatter Me Series
By Tahereh Mafi

“Killing time isn’t as difficult as it sounds. I can shoot a hundred numbers through the chest and watch them bleed decimal points in the palm of my hand. I can rip the numbers off a clock and watch the hour hands tick tick tick their final tock just before I fall asleep. I can suffocate seconds just by holding my breath. I’ve been murdering minutes for hours and…

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The Host casting
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

“The Host” by Stephenie Meyer – movie casting   I am so late to this party, 2 weeks late to be more exact, but waiting to find news about this movie got to be a bit tiresome, so a while back I decided to simply stop trying. Yesterday I came across one of the fan blogs…

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Dreaming after Midnight (#6) Tucker
In Dreaming after Midnight

Tucker (from Unearthly Series by Cynthia Hand) “And then I can feel what he feels. He’s waited such a long time for this moment. He loves how I feel in his arms. He loves the smell of my hair. He loves the way I looked at him…

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Book #1 in Newsoul Series
By Jodi Meadows

As beautiful as the cover! These days I’m a bit out of sync when it comes to the books I read.. I like some books that others don’t, and I don’t like the books the others love, I feel like I’m missing something. This books is one of the books I loved, while some of my book fellows didn’t.. I…

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Book #2 in Unearthly Series
By Cynthia Hand

Oh boy, what a ride. Reading this book felt like flying with the wings wide open (not that I know how does that feel, but I can only imagine): I’ve been falling in love again with these characters, I’ve gasped at every surprise, I’ve smiled and I’ve even cried, I’ve felt Clara’s insecurities and frustrations, and her need to be…

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Vampire Academy
Book #1 in Vampire Academy Series
By Richelle Mead

If I had to describe this book really shortly I would probably say: vampire teen drama.. a lot of vampire teen drama. Not that this is bad, because I enjoyed enormously the way these teens interacted with each other, the jokes, the fights, the paybacks, and so on. Still, I felt like this was just another usual teen book…

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The Hunger Games Movie Trailer
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

From book to movie   The waiting is over (at least for the trailer) and I am so happy to finally be able to see a little bit of what I hope to be an amazing movie. There is no need for me to tell you how some scenes gave me goosebumps or how they made me wish to…

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Dreaming after Midnight (#5) Shaun
In Dreaming after Midnight

Shaun (from Newsflesh Trilogy by Mira Grant) I don’t read books about zombies, but with characters like Shaun and Georgia I would read anything and I bet I’d still love it no matter what. Seriously, I fell in love with Shaun from the first chapter in the first book and I was…

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The future of books
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

Today’s feature: The future of books We all know how Ebook Readers are becoming more and more a part of our life. Even though nothing compares to having a paper book in your hand, I like the advantages of having tones of books in one device, easy to carry around, lightweight and having the possibility to order even more books…

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A Clockwork Fairytale
By Helen Scott Taylor

! Minor spoilers ahead ! Today I am just too lousy to avoid them, so please be careful and don’t read if you don’t want to know anything about the story. They are not big, but be aware that they are there. “The heart is heaviest when it’s empty and lightest when it’s full” So.. Once in a while…

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Awesome People Reading
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

There’s a place with a lot of awesome people reading.. There’s a wall of fame filled with their pictures.. They are awesome; They are reading; They are here. Ha haaaa, nope, I am not on that wall, but wouldn’t I look great next…

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Dreaming after Midnight (#4) Shadow
In Dreaming after Midnight

Shadow (from  Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley) “ I like that about art, that what you see is sometimesmore about who you are than what’s on the wall. I look at this painting and think about how everyone has some secret inside, something sleeping like that yellow bird.” What do…

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