November Releases
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

November books I can't wait to read: Touch (Denazen #1) by Jus Accardo, Shatter Me (Shatter Me #1) by Tahereh Mafi, The Pledge (The Pledge #1) by Kimberly Derting and Legend (Legend #1) by Marie Lu…

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Six Impossible Things
By Fiona Wood

Six Impossible facts about me: ✔ not to want to read an Aussie book; ✔ not to love a witty main character; ✔ not to enjoy sarcasm and good humour; ✔ not to love young love stories that make me smile laugh until my cheeks hurt; ✔ not to LOVE this story; ✔ not…

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By Swati Avasthi

I finished reading this book a while back but I didn’t really know what to say about it. It feels a bit unfair to sit in my comfortable chair, living my ordinary peaceful life, and give my opinions about such an important subject as family violence. You read in the book about all those horrible scenes and you…

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Book #2 in Newsflesh Series
By Mira Grant

Damn, this book was insane! I need a whole constellation lined up to rate it properly, because only 5 stars doesn’t seem to make it justice.. I loved every single word of it. “I guess in the end, it doesn’t matter what we wanted. What matters is what we chose to do with the things we had.” Deadline is one…

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Dreaming after Midnight (#3) Ian O’Shea
In Dreaming after Midnight

Ian O’Shea (from The Host by Stephenie Meyer) “It’s not the face, but the expressions on it. It’s not the voice, but what you say. It’s not how you look in that body, but the thing you do with it. You are beautiful.” What do we know…

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Hunting Lila
Book #1 in Lila Series
By Sarah Alderson

This book was so damn cute. I know that the author’s intentions were never for me to find this story just ‘cute‘, but without taking in account all the paranormal activity and mystery, the book is more or less about this girl, Lila (one of the most innocent characters – as far back as I can remember reading about), trying…

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Book #1 in Newsflesh Series
By Mira Grant

I am used by now to read books that are great in the beginning, ok by the middle, and surprise the hell out of me all through the ending. Feed is that kind of book and even more. I loved how it started (with such a great adventure), and I loved that feeling I got through the story, like…

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True Blood
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

This week’s feature: “True Blood” movie adaptation based on a book series by Charlaine Harris   I don’t really know anything about the book series, and so far I didn’t get the chance to watch the movie to see if I’d like it or not, but this weekend I came across this ‘bloody fountain’ announcing the new season..

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You Wish
By Mandy Hubbard

Such a cute little book! Don’t know about you, but I remember being very silly while making a wish for my birthdays. A barbie-alike friend? Totally me! A room full of chocolate and other sweets? Oh, boy.. I might still want to make this wish. Add some ice-cream and some M&Ms and please make it true…

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A Match Made in High School
By Kristin Walker

I don’t know about you, but from time to time I like to curl up in my bed, with a cute book in my hands and not to think about anything – just enjoy it’s cuteness. Yesterday was one of those days – I was searching for something light and it was even more that what…

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Daughter of Smoke and Bone
Book #1 in Daughter of Smoke & Bone Series
By Laini Taylor

I was hooked from the very first page.. Yes, I can say that again. My mind is full of beautiful stories of angels and demons (is that the right word?), stories of love and hope, stories of mythical creatures in a war as old as the world itself… My mind is screaming: I want more,…

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Dreaming after Midnight (#2) Alex Fuentes
In Dreaming after Midnight

Alex Fuentes (from Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles ) “[Life]It is what you make it. If you think you can’t change the world, then go on and follow the path already carved out for you. But there are other roads to choose, they’re just harder to trudge through. Changing the…

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There you’ll find me
By Jenny B. Jones

This book was really hard for me to rate.. I did liked it a lot (I simply LOVED some of the characters in this story), and it could have been a 5 stars book, but all that talk about God and prayers was definitely not for me. Let me get this strait, it’s not that I don’t believe in God…

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Book #2 in The Guardian Legacy Series
By Ednah Walters

Awww, that ending ;)) I liked this book, in fact I LOVE this series! Coming back to this story felt like meeting with an old good friend of mine – I remembered some of the things I liked in the first story and I got to know a lot more new interesting things from this one. To me,…

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Anna dressed in Blood
Book #1 in Anna Series
By Kendare Blake

My Thoughts: You know how from time to time you read in a book about a male character that you like a lot and you would just love to hear his version of the story? Well there is no more need for that, because in this case you get to hear his story – and you still love…

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Dreaming after Midnight (#1) Etienne
In Dreaming after Midnight

Etienne Saint Claire (from Anna and the French kiss by Stephanie Perkins) He’s so beautiful, so perfect. I’m dizzy. My heart pounds, my pulse races. I tilt my face toward his, and he answers with an identical slow tilt toward mine. He closes his eyes.

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On The Jellicoe Road – movie to come
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

Oh, the good news…   If you are following my reviews you should know by now that I am a big fan of Aussie Literature for teens. One of my favourite writers is of course Melina Marchetta. She won my heart with the first book I’ve read by her, ‘…

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Book #1 in Ashfall Series
By Mike Mullin

Let’s talk about humanity! Define Humanity: hu·man·i·ty, noun, plural -ties. 1. all human beings collectively; the human race; humankind. 2. the quality or condition of being human; human nature. 3. the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence.[cite] [cite]Define survival: sur·viv·al, noun 1. the act or fact of surviving, especially under adverse or unusual…

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Shut Out
By Kody Keplinger

You know, this is a strange world we are living in. I always read some reviews here and there (about some books – not only this one) and I see people saying that [this] or [that] are not some books that they would allow their children read, because they include some cuss words or some sex mentioning, and THEN I…

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She’s so dead to us
Book #1 in He's So/She's So Series
By Kieran Scott

Usually, wanting to punch all the characters in a book it is not a really good sign.. and I won’t say that this is not the case because in fact it really is. I hate horrible friends (all Ally’s supposed ex best friends), and rich kids with nothing else to do but to bully someone for their…

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Blood Song
Book #1 in Lharmell Series
By Rhiannon Hart

Another Aussie book on my shelf full of awesome ;)) To be honest, it’s more like 4.5 because the last part of it was so-and-so, but anyways it’s hard to tell how much I loved this book. It’s great. This is one of those books that you take in your hands and then you can’t put down. I…

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Raw Blue
By Kirsty Eagar

Why is it that we can relate so easily to pain, to struggle, to despair instead of happiness and joy? When you say “emotional story” there’s a small possibility for you to be referring to some positive feelings. You always imagine yourself in your bed, with a book in your hand and a lot of tissues around you.. Why…

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Book #1 in Spellbound Series
By Cara Lynn Shultz

“I sat there, bored, my head propped up by my hand, my eyes rolling so far back in my head I could practically see my own brain.” The premise for this one was really, really good – I like the idea of soul-mates and I am always looking for a good romance based on this, but I don’t know…

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Past Perfect
By Leila Sales

To make it clear, it’s a little bit more than 3.5 stars 🙂 AND I think I’m becoming more and more exigent when it comes to the books I read, and I’m also becoming lazy when it comes to my reviews. This is no exception. So here come some random thoughts: When I think about PAST PERFECT…

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Chain Reaction
Book #3 in Perfect Chemistry Series
By Simone Elkeles

Ay carajo! There are only so many times you can enjoy the same old story.. in my opinion it gets down to probably two. I loved the first book because of the characters, and the chemistry and the action and I enjoyed enormously the humor in the second one, but when it comes to this one… I am…

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Saving June
By Hannah Harrington

“It’s so stupid because all I wanted was space and now that I have it, there’s this part of me that’s achingly lonely I could die.” So beautiful it hurts ♥ So, why is it so hard to talk about the books we like? Why is it so hard to open my heart to the whole world…

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Graffiti Moon
By Cath Crowley

“I was nothing inside but light and color” Can you be in love with a book? I know that I can fall in love with a character, I had a few crushes here and there, but if I were to want to get married with a book, I would propose to this one in a heartbeat. Dear…

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The Piper’s Son
By Melina Marchetta

“Maybe she’d always been there. Maybe strangers enter your heart first and then you spent the rest of your life searching for them. “ This was such a beautiful story (as usual). I am a Marchetta fan – she is simply amazing, she knows how to rip your heart out and then to put it back in place.

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