Cross My Heart
By Katie Klein

“Maybe. But you know, when you love someone you love them. And every day you sit back pretending that you don’t is one less day you have with him.” I think “cute” is the right word for this. I like it when a book takes me by surprise, and this one did quite a good job at it. I…

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The Truth about Forever
By Sarah Dessen

I might need to change my rating system for this book to be given only 5 stars.. Also i need some time to sort out my feelings (between both overwhelming joy and sadness) and come up with a proper review, because i have lots of “wow”s in my mind right now, but i fear that it might not be…

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Poison Study
Book #1 in Study Series
By Maria V. Snyder

I picked up this book last night. It was late and I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t intend to read it all, but just a bit, just a chapter or two, to clear my mind. Oh, what a terrible mistake 😀 What I didn’t know is that you can’t read just a bit of it. This book…

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Kane Richards Must Die
By Shanice Williams

I usually don’t write reviews when I don’t really like the books. I think that the author made a great effort to write a book and I would be somehow mean to her/him by saying bad things about her/his work. But for the same reasons I wanted to read the book some others might as well, and i wouldn’t want…

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Book #1 in Divergent Series
By Veronica Roth

First Thoughts: Wow… Such a great story.. They told me it was good.. I think it’s better. Review: Oh, every time I tried to write a proper review for this book (and you have the proof right in front of you, because I gave up trying) it had something to do with ‘The Hunger Games’ – I blame…

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City of Glass
Book #3 in The Mortal Instruments Series
By Cassandra Clare

As long as I can still dream, I will dream of you. NOTE: To keep the review spoiler free I had to take down some parts of it. Go to my goodreads review page to view the full review. I liked this book better than the second one, but the first book is still my favorite in…

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City of Ashes
Book #2 in The Mortal Instruments Series
By Cassandra Clare

Oh, how I’ve loved Jace in the first book.. why didn’t he stay the same? – Confident, charming, sarcastic, with a great sense of humor. Even Simon was funnier in the first one.. I didn’t think this book was necessary at all, it didn’t really add to the story. The characters remained in the same state as at the end…

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City Of Bones
Book #1 in The Mortal Instruments Series
By Cassandra Clare

Ok.. so, even though it says that I read it in like 4 months (that was the first time I put my hand on it anyways), in fact it took me less than 2 days to finish it because, after I got into it the way I wanted, I just couldn’t put it down. With the good and the bad,…

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North of Beautiful
By Justina Chen Headley

“Beauty–real everlasting beauty–lives not on our faces, but in our attitude and our actions. It lives in what we do for ourselves and for others.” I am glad that I read this book after reading Stay. If “Stay” is a book that deals with a young relationship between a teenager and her obsessive-possessive boyfriend,…

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By Deb Caletti

At some point it was exactly like this: “I tried to read that book again before I went to sleep. I didn’t like that book, but I kept going for all the reasons a person hangs in with something that isn’t good – you feel bad about not giving it a chance, you’ve already come too far to give up…

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You Against Me
By Jenny Downham

“It was strange how words meant something when they came out of your mouth. Inside your head they were safe and silent, but once they were outside, people grabbed hold of them.” I wanted to read this book from the moment I heard about it.. But, while waiting for it to be published, I read Before…

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Where She Went
Book #2 in If I Stay Series
By Gayle Forman

When I found out that this book will be all about Adam I was absolutely thrilled. To be honest, I liked better his point of view, his stories, the way the accident changed his life, his personality and more than that I liked the way the author had portrayed ‘fame’ and the way it changed Adam. It felt like…

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Thirteen Reasons Why
By Jay Asher

“No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people.Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same.” I don’t know much about suicide, but I guess that a person in that state of mind doesn’t need a really strong reason to take away his/her life. I believe that the tiniest…

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Not That Kind of Girl
By Siobhan Vivian

This book was as beautiful as the cover. I loved it! “You see, the best thing about wrong decisions is that they don’t prevent you from making the right decisions later on. It’s harder, but it’s not impossible.” The cover I’ve been waiting to read this book from the moment I first saw the cover. Look at it.

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Scribbler of Dreams
By Mary E. Pearson

How many faces does regret have? The quiet face of a lie, barely whispered. The seductive face of prying questions. The shrewd face of a deception well planned. The longing face of a dream never realized. How many faces… too many to count, and when I look in the mirror, I see them all. As my rating…

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Finnikin of the Rock
Book #1 in Lumatere Chronicles Series
By Melina Marchetta

Wonderful, amazing, beautiful, absolutely brilliant… I need more stars! ★★★★★★★★★★ This was such a powerful story that got straight to my heart. After finishing it I was left speechless – Melina Marchetta has this effect on people. The characters are so well defined, the story is so complex… All that I’ve felt while reading…

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Brightly Woven
By Alexandra Bracken

Such a beautiful, beautiful darling.. oh, I mean, story :)) One word: lovely! 2 words: loved it! 3 words: Thank you, Arlene! “I don’t do well without you,” North said. “Who I was before – I never want to be that person again. But I told you when I took you away…

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By Kim Harrington

With the good and the bad, I really enjoyed reading this book. It kept me guessing who the murderer could be (and I am glad to know that I was ‘half right’ about it). But the ending, oh… I hate series, they always keep you waiting for more and my patience is probably in far-far-far-away-land by now ;)) Book…

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Book #1 in Angelfire Series
By Courtney Allison Moulton

Wait!!! No whiny female character? No “I see you and I know that you are my soul mate”? No “you want to kill me and you treat me like crap but I am still madly in love with you”?.. No obsessing?!? God, what’s ‘wrong’ with this book?! … yeah, I’m being ironic.. In fact I mean.. what’s right with…

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Desires of the Dead
Book #2 in The Body Finder Series
By Kimberly Derting

♥♥♥♥ I give this 4.5 hearts (not stars), because I love this series 😀 I think (too) that I liked a little bit more the first book in the series, but still this was a nice story and I couldn’t put it down until I finished it, it was such a page turner, keeping me on the edge, dyeing…

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Across the Universe
Book #1 in Across the Universe Series
By Beth Revis

“A love out of time. A spaceship built of secrets and murder.” First – the cover is absolutely gorgeous (at least I love it) and this is what made me want to read this book.. And so the myth saying that a book with a great cover is always horrible is busted (just) for the moment ;)) Second,…

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Book #1 in Timeless Series
By Alexandra Monir

First impression: I’ve heard about loving a book from the very first page, but I’ve never felt this way before. Not until now… “There is nothing in this life that can destroy you but yourself. Bad things happen to everyone, but when they do, you can’t just fall apart and die. You have to fight back. If you don’t,…

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Book #1 in Delirium Series
By Lauren Oliver

“I love you. Remember. They cannot take it.” I wanted to like this book… I really did, but somehow I couldn’t get into it the way I wanted. The writing was really good, but I guess it wasn’t enough for me to love the story. First, I like a book with a plausible story-line. I understand the need…

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The Education of Hailey Kendrick
By Eileen Cook

★★★★★ Funny, funny, funny, love it, love it, love it… So, I must confess that the story itself is not memorable (but it is as sweet as honey.. I mean not that sweet, I don’t like honey.. maybe as sweet as ice cream or chocolate. Oh, I love M&M’s, so I would say as sweet as those but it is…

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Rhymes with Cupid
By Anna Humphrey

My Thoughts: Great, quick and funny, funny read! Sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone is to accept whatever it is they’ve got to offer you First impression: I must tell you that I had a horrible day .. so when I started reading this book I just didn’t know that it was about to change my…

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Book #1 in Unearthly Series
By Cynthia Hand

This is a great book and I really enjoyed it. Clara has a beautiful voice and a strong personality, and I loved to see her change through the story – from the moment she found out about her identity, until the last page when she was as confused as I was about her life and purpose, waiting to see what’s…

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The Adoration of Jenna Fox
Book #1 in Jenna Fox Chronicles Series
By Mary E. Pearson

“Some things aren’t meant to be known. Only believed.” I love to read good books. This is one of them. I was a bit suspicious about it after seeing that the reviews were not that great, so I was a bit afraid to read it.. I love surprises too. If you want a lot of action, this is…

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Saving Francesca
By Melina Marchetta

I don’t know what to think about this book, maybe the problem is that I read “On the Jellicoe Road” just before this one and that’s the reason I didn’t enjoy it that much. (when your mind is blown by a story, it is hard to jump right into another one) I can’t believe I said it out loud. The…

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