What a wonderful way to wake up this morning
with this beautiful cover for book #2 in Seraphina Parrish Trilogy:
“PROTECTING TRUTH” by Michelle Warren
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Well, I can protect any truth in a hug like that – just saying 😉
Now that we have a name and a gorgeous cover, I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to read the synopsis and, even better, get my hands on this beauty and read it from cover to cover!
Back when I stumbled upon “Wander Dust” (the first book in the series) on GoodReads I fell in love with its beautiful cover. Now my eyes are glued to our cute couple in their school uniform (that explains the geeky hair Max has) and the background that I can only guess what new adventures will bring into play this time around.
I love the colors and I love that it gives the same ‘dreamy’ feeling the first one does that fits so well the story.
Yeah, I am like a kid on Christmas day unwrapping an oh-so-wanted present!
What can I say, I am really exited for this and I’ll come back at you with more news as soon as the synopsis becomes available. Keep an eye for it!
Read my review for Wander Dust here, and if you haven’t read this story yet – what are you still waiting for?!
Thanks Michelle for emailing it to me and for bringing a big smile on my lips this morning!
Limited Time Offer
Also, Wander Dust is on sale for a limited time, so you should definitely hurry up and get it!