♥♥♥♥ I give this 4.5 hearts (not stars), because I love this series 😀
I think (too) that I liked a little bit more the first book in the series, but still this was a nice story and I couldn’t put it down until I finished it, it was such a page turner, keeping me on the edge, dyeing to see what happens next.
I still love Jay (the moments with him are the best) and I got a bit (more) annoyed with Vi for keeping so many secrets from him. It never got them to nothing good, and he could have helped her if he knew.
The ‘hunter’ story was not as good as the one in the first book. First of all, it seemed forced (didn’t have a reason to do all those things – cat, note, etc), second it was too easy to find out who the hunter was (I found myself trying to convince me that the hunter was someone else just to feel a little more suspense)
Now about the FBI stuff, I guess the next book will get us more into that part of the story and we will see Vi trying to use her power to ‘save the world’. There is just one thing that bothers me: Rafe.
I feel ‘the echo of a love triangle’ all over from here and if I am right I’m gonna love less the next installment.
I just hate love triangles, and more when we already have such a great guy into the story. Jay is perfect: he is caring, protecting, fun to be around. They have a good relationship and if one of them were to look for someone better maybe he should do this after all. Still, I just hope that I’m wrong, because like I said I love this series and I don’t need a reason to love it less.