After all this time, I am still unsure if I will be able to make justice to this book, as it’s so amazing I can barely put my feelings into words. I will try though, hopefully my mind has cleared a bit of all this awesomeness and I can write down something more than “wow”, even though this is exactly what I though after I read the very last words. I might say it again: “wow!”
There are stories that you read from the beginning to the end and.. That’s it.
But there are stories that you read from the beginning to the end and back again, because you just can’t imagine a world without a particular story, because you feel there are things that you’ve missed the first time around and, now that you have the ‘whole picture’, you just need to go back to it one more time and enjoy every clue, every moment.. Everything.
Reading this book felt like a breath of fresh air, it cleared my mind but it also left me a bit lightheaded. Sometimes I get dizzy after reading a story full of twists, sometimes I read and read and I am not sure if my mind can keep up with the action, as it’s all so mind-blowingly beautiful.
When I first started this series I fell in love with the fantasy feeling attached to it. I remember thinking that it would make an amazing movie – the school, the wandering process, the scenes from the past (wherever our beloved characters wandered), the training room… it’s all so magical, and beautiful and amazing. I have no words to describe the beauty of the fantastic world created by Michelle.
The second book filled me with doubts, it left me with unanswered questions, it went to places I was not sure I wanted to go and made me doubt the things I just started to believe in… I liked it, but I didn’t understand it the way I should have.
Then the third one came – oh my. This is the best book in the series and an absolute amazing ending to the story. It blew my mind, it left me speechless, it made me want to turn back to the first book and start reading the whole story again because it all made sense and I couldn’t believe how all the pieces started to fit together so perfectly.
There was wandering, there was mystery, there was love and heartbreak, there was a bit of everything and I loved it to pieces. All characters that you know show a different side and don’t worry much because there are plenty of lovely surprises. As for the descriptions, they are just as vivid as before if not even more.
I wand to live in a world like that, I truly do.
Also the cover is so perfect – every element form it represents something of deep importance in the story.
You don’t know how much time I’ve spent trying to come up with an actual review for this book… You see, when you don’t want to spoil a story for your readers (but the book is just so full of mind-blowing turnarounds) you have no other choice than to just ‘tell’ them how much you loved that book. How your heart stopped beating at times, how your eyes were wide open, how you turned page after page in a race that you didn’t want to win – because if you got to the last page and when you got to it… well, that would be it, the story would be over and then what?! How will you fill the void it might leave in your heart?
This book has taken a piece of my soul with it. There’s nothing like reading a book for the first time and being filled with wild emotions and happiness.
In the future I will add a spoiler in my review and talk a bit about my feelings regarding a particular character. But I don’t want to place it here right now – because even though you know it will spoil the surprise for you, you will still be tempted to click on it. Just keep your mind and heart open, because your world might turn right upside down and I would like for you to enjoy that feeling 😉
Happy midnight reading!
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You write such beautiful reviews and this series deserves every word. ♥
Thank you so much. And you are right – it deserves it, it’s really beautiful!