About The Author

Gina Linko

Gina Linko has a graduate degree in creative writing from DePaul University and lives outside Chicago with her husband and three children. Gina teaches college English part-time, but her real passion is sitting down at a blank computer screen and asking herself the question, “What if…?”

She is the YA author of INDIGO and FLUTTER, both from Random House Books for Young Readers.

Q: How Did I Become a Writer?

A: “Reading and writing. That’s the short answer. And then reading and writing some more. Like anything else, it takes a lot of practice.

I teach part-time college English now, and I write. Seriously. Meaning, I don’t watch reruns of Big Bang Theory every night. I sit my butt at the computer and I work. But really I’m just wrapping myself up in a story, and it has never felt like work for one single second. Bazinga!


By Gina Linko

It is really hard to talk about this book as I am not really sure of my feelings for it. The premise was great (someting between time-travel and something else, a little boy giving clues that could save Emery’s life (and maybe not even hers), tons of mystery, a bit of action and some young romance.. )…

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