About The Author

Siobhan Vivian

“My name is Siobhan, which is pronounced SHOVE-ON. I like writing books. I hope you like reading them.”

Siobhan Vivian is the author of the young adult novels THE LIST, NOT THAT KIND OF GIRL, SAME DIFFERENCE, and A LITTLE FRIENDLY ADVICE.

Her books have received numerous starred reviews and have appeared on Best of the Year lists from ALA, IndieBound, Kirkus and YALSA. A former book editor and screenwriter for children’s television, she currently teaches creative writing at The University of Pittsburgh

She also co-wrote BURN FOR BURN, the first novel in a planned trilogy, with her best friend JENNY HAN.

Random facts about Siobhan:

– She likes: going shopping on the day after Christmas, manicures, chocolate egg creams, public transportation, and writing letters to her friends on her vintage typewriter.
– She dislikes: sunburns, the woods, her handwriting, gas station bathrooms, and going to the doctor.


Not That Kind of Girl
By Siobhan Vivian

This book was as beautiful as the cover. I loved it! “You see, the best thing about wrong decisions is that they don’t prevent you from making the right decisions later on. It’s harder, but it’s not impossible.” The cover I’ve been waiting to read this book from the moment I first saw the cover. Look at it.

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