One more year to go
This makes me happy, as well as it makes me sad…
Happy because I’ve read some amazing books this year and my personal life has been just as full of joyful events.
Sad, because time is passing way to fast, there were so many things I still want(ed) to do, so many books I needed to read, so many memories I still have to create for myself… and I will, just maybe not this year, because there’s not much time left.
Back to my bookish tree, these are the books that have managed to take my breath away, to make my heart skip a beat or to keep me company when I most needed it. These are the ones I recommend to you from the bottom of my heart:
I’ve sorted them by colour (as best as I could), not by rating or preference.
I hold them all close to my heart and if you click on (most of) those covers you will get to my reviews and find more about all the reasons I had to love them.
I first read These Broken Stars back in 2013, but I re-read it before diving into the next one in the series and I loved it just as much, so I couldn’t leave it out of this shelf.
For the books that are part of a series I deeply recommend the other instalments too – take the Unwind Dystology for example, which is amazing as a whole, same for Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Rephaim series.
There are more books than what I can fit in another bookish tree, I might even need to create a tiny forest of favourite books, but these are enough to steal your heart. Enjoy them all!
Best wishes and tons of love,
I love your Christmas tree!!
I read some of them and loved them too/
I love it too, and I loved all the moments spent reading those books, they are all so great!
I loved so many of them too, great list Ari!
They are absolutely great! 😀 I am happy to hear that you loved some 😉