He+She = Excerpt+Giveaway
In Blog Tours

...travel the road to writer immediately. She spent over a decade as professional Illustrator and designer. Her artistic creativity combined with her love of science fiction, paranormal and fantasy led...

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Dreams of Gods and Monsters
Book #3 in Daughter of Smoke & Bone Series
By Laini Taylor

...to share their secrets and their adventures… Pretty please… Can I make a wish, can I find a portal? Or couldn’t Zuze just come and take me with her to...

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A new place for readers & authors to meet
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...beginning but, as readers love to keep in touch with authors to know more about their books, I think it might get to grow into something beautiful. Novelists feed passion...

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Build me a time-machine
[The Undercurrent]
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...that zips and zings like an electrical current itself. This is a great young-adult writer at the peak of her powers. Source: paula-weston.com | The Text Publishing Company Bologna Rights...

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The amazing art of book-cut sculpture
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...haven’t given a second thought before. Some people know how to write, some people love to read, but others use books to express feelings in a very different but spectacular...

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In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...year. I wish you all a lovely spring and… don’t forget to wear your “Mărţişor”! PS: Enjoy my Karou-inspired Martisor 🙂 PSS: Read more about this tradition: wikipedia, about.com, focusromania.com...

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These Broken Stars
Book #1 in Starbound Series
By Amie Kaufman

...broken characters start healing through what they’re forced to survive together – they grow stronger, more defined with each page and they start to see this world and the freedom...

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First look at: Salt to the Sea
In Cover Reveals

...tested with each step closer toward safety. Just when it seems freedom is within their grasp, tragedy strikes. Not country, nor culture, nor status matter as all ten thousand people...

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Crooked Kingdom
Book #2 in Six of Crows Series
By Leigh Bardugo

...gives me shivers still. How every tiny piece fit together, how the bigger than life plan came to life, how complex and unpredictable and (I’ll say it again) completely INSANE...

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Pivot Point
Book #1 in Pivot Point Series
By Kasie West

...that she picked the wrong path :(“] [su_progress_bar style=”thin” percent=”100″ text=”100% – Come freaking on!!! Do you expect me to sit and wait for my happy ending for a whole...

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Book #1 in Amplified Series
By Tara Kelly

...come here to express yourself and get that butterfly tatoo you’ve always wanted.” “Wrong.” His eyes didn’t move from mine. “Am I?” “Completely.” I shoved past him. “I hate butterflies.”...

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Books on the big screen
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...leukemia compiles a list of things she’d like to do before passing away. Featuring: Dakota Fanning, Jeremy Irvine… Watch the trailer: The Hobbit (December 2012) I have a confession to...

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