10 Little Pieces of Me
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...Golden – a reflection on present, future and past. Sometimes it is not about the actual story, but the messages within. Jessi Kirby doesn’t play with words, she plays with...

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Wings of the Wicked
Book #2 in Angelfire Series
By Courtney Allison Moulton

...the monster killing action set, but I liked the series and I can’t wait for the next book to come out.Except for the teenage drama (that at some point got...

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City of Glass
Book #3 in The Mortal Instruments Series
By Cassandra Clare

...do you want to die or do you want to live?). Even the villain was conveniently evil.. And also he was conveniently in the same place as our heroes (wherever...

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Days of Blood & Starlight
Book #2 in Daughter of Smoke & Bone Series
By Laini Taylor

...you watch as they cut off his head? Akiva Watching the love of his life die by the hand of her people (the ones she loved) made him die inside...

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Build me a time-machine
[The Undercurrent]
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...that zips and zings like an electrical current itself. This is a great young-adult writer at the peak of her powers. Source: paula-weston.com | The Text Publishing Company Bologna Rights...

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One step closer to The Host movie
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...official pictures have been released in the past week. The picture that I like the most is the one below, showing Wanda (played by Saoirse Ronan) and her wonderful alien...

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Secrets of the Time Society (novella)
Book #2.5 in Timeless Series
By Alexandra Monir

...her father’s past life, from a hidden society of time travelers and from someone that will probably definitely play a great role into the next book – Rebecca Windsor. I...

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Teaser: Night of Cake and Puppets
Book #2.5 in Daughter of Smoke & Bone Series
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...enough. Zuzana is determined to meet him, and she has a fistful of magic and a plan. It’s a wonderfully elaborate treasure hunt of a plan that will take Mik...

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First look at: Shimmer
In Cover Reveals

...by Paula Weston The Rephaim Series, book #3 Gaby thought her life couldn’t get more complicated. She’s almost used to the idea that she’s not the nineteen-year-old backpacker she thought...

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Dreams of Gods and Monsters
Book #3 in Daughter of Smoke & Bone Series
By Laini Taylor

...to share their secrets and their adventures… Pretty please… Can I make a wish, can I find a portal? Or couldn’t Zuze just come and take me with her to...

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The Host – book and movie
Book #1 in The Host Series
By Stephenie Meyer

...better, to be more invisible, to keep together, and overcome all that life can throw their way. THE PLOT I’ve seen so many people complain that there was not much...

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Living Before Midnight…
In The Midnight Cup of Coffee

...for each and every one of you. Because nothing compares to the real thing – the real friends, the real experiences, playing real-life games, traveling to beautiful places, spending a...

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