“Divergent Trilogy is a series of young adult science fiction adventure novels by Veronica Roth set in a post-apocalyptic dystopian Chicago.

The society of the trilogy defines its citizens by their social and personality-related affiliation with five different factions, which removes the threat of anyone exercising independent will and threatening the population’s safety. Beatrice Prior, who later changed her name to Tris, an Abnegation-born and Dauntless transfer, must figure out her life as a Divergent, while concealing her true nature, and living with the danger of being killed if it is discovered by the Dauntless leaders.”

Book #3 in Divergent Series
By Veronica Roth

Note: The review itself does not contain actual spoilers, but the feel of it and the graphics & media might spoil it for you quite a bit. Please don’t read it if you haven’t read the book yet.  To say that this book is my favourite in the series is an understatement. It took my breath away,…

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Book #2 in Divergent Series
By Veronica Roth

Writers, when creating a world, have a great power over it and some of them are not afraid to use it. They are not afraid to put the characters through hell and back, they are not afraid to hurt them, and they are not afraid to kill. ...

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Book #1 in Divergent Series
By Veronica Roth

First Thoughts: Wow… Such a great story.. They told me it was good.. I think it’s better. Review: Oh, every time I tried to write a proper review for this book (and you have the proof right in front of you, because I gave up trying) it had something to do with ‘The Hunger Games’ – I blame…

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