You know how it is to keep a series very-very close to your heart, that you seem to feel it in your heartbeat? To get attached to characters so deeply that you want to take them home and hug all their pain away?

Legend is just like that!

Book #3 in Legend Series
By Marie Lu

This is one of the best conclusions to a series! The very best. *wiping tears* Seriously! And it felt so ..right, you know? Not all butterflies and cheers and happiness, but right and real and beautiful and raw. The action, the suspense, the dramatic romance, the bittersweet ending… every moment and every page, every single word in this book..

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Legend: Collector’s Edition
By Marie Lu

Reading the first pages of this book about how this story came to be, about how Day came to exist, and peeking into Marie’s thoughts made me shiver a bit. Really! It must give her such a nostalgic feeling to look back at all those bumpy roads she had to take until her story came to life. It must…

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Book #2 in Legend Series
By Marie Lu

What an AMAZING story! It’s a bit unusual for me to like more the second book in a series, but as much as I liked Legend it will never compare with this lovely book… Because, you see, Prodigy is simply (and amazingly) good: great characters, strong world building, a lot more action and an amount of…

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Book #1 in Legend Series
By Marie Lu

You know those books you read that seem to get only better with time? That you like the first time around, love the second time, and then love seems only to grow to adoration from there? Legend is one of those. It was everything I wanted, it’s a book I will be definitely coming back to and I can’t wait…

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