From the wonderful cover to the interesting description and then to the original story-line, Indelible is a beautifully different book for fans of fantasy and not only.
What started for Joy as an usual night out (meant to make her forget a bit about her problems) ended in a journey beyond her imagination; a journey to a hidden world of Twixt – full of fantastic (at times) monstrous creatures; a journey that would link her destiny and Ink’s forever.
It all started with a boy and a girl in the shadows, with flashing light and a terrible eye pain (what left her wondering why would someone try to blind her), it started full of confusion and it only got more interesting the following days. Turns out she wasn’t supposed to see those people, turns out that by mistake when Ink attacked her he marked her as his, turns out that she needs to learn how to make her way through the world of Twixt, as there’s no turning back – because Ink made a mistake, but he never mistakes – so if things go wrong, let’s turn them right, shall we?
Ok, so I am being utterly mysterious, but so is the book. There is this wonderful world we learn about, there is this sweet romance that grows slowly, there is action and mystery.. and also there is what I like the most in books – turning someone into a human, teaching someone to feel, to breath in the emotions.. This is why I liked so much learning about Joy and Ink and their relationship, because they were so different and he started by being so cold and un-human, but slowly he saw something beautiful in Joy – her humanity, and he craved for that as well. There was this connection between them, this protectiveness that slowly turned into friendship and then more. It was all so sweet.
Also, the world building is quite complex, and I will let you unravel it for yourself, but I liked to see something different (as lately I’ve been reading some of ‘same-old, some-old’ paranormal stories, and I love to find something refreshingly cool and new) and even though there were times I couldn’t wrap (very well) my head around some things and notions, I did love discovering more and more about this story.
Besides the beautiful writing and the engaging world, the characters stand out as well. Joy is a strong girl, she is thrown into this new crazy word but she learns to adapt quickly. She needs to. Because the world she’s entered is a dangerous one and there’s no safe place for a scared little girl.
There were some things that didn’t ring quite right to me: there are some moments when Ink starts to become more like Joy (physically changing and becoming somehow similar to her – it was just a bit creepy); the best friend (she is supportive and all, but she leaves Joy alone when she most needs her.. and because of a boy she just met – not cool); her family drama was left a bit hanging (Joy might like to escape her normal life into this new fascinating world, but some things are left unsolved. Still there is time for this in the next book).
Anyways, this was a lovely paranormal story and I can’t wait to read more from this author.
Happy midnight reading!
Book source: ARC received for review. Thank you!
Great review. I’m interested in this one.
I liked it very much and I hope that you will as well 🙂