To quote the main character: ‘Oh, fantastic amounts of fluffin’ fudge.’ This book is hilarious!
In fact there are no words to describe how much I enjoyed this book and how my face hurt from so much laughing. I don’t think there is one page in the whole book without a tiny little joke.
So, before starting to learn how to say ‘hilarious’ in at least 7 different languages, I will tell you what I liked about this book (and then, maybe you’ll tell the word for ‘hilarious’ in your language, and I’ll get to skip using google translate, LOL).
1. This story is as great and as funny as the first one!
Yes, you might realize that I gave to both books 4 stars ratings, but the truth is that they are both amazingly funny. The only reason I didn’t give them 5 stars is because the story is as unrealistic as it can be – I said it before, you just don’t go asking people if they killed or not someone and then believe them when they say they didn’t, LOL!
Still, if you are looking for a book that could make you laugh until your stomach hurts.. well this series is perfect for you.
“The first thing I did was run.
Okay, actually the first thing I did was scream, lose my balance, flail my arms in the air like some kind of uncoordinated bird, then slide down the side of the tree and land on my butt.
Then I ran.”
2. The main character
Hartley is the most incredibly funny character in the world.
She is witty, and cute, and charmingly sweet when she is in love, and a very best friend. I loved her relation with all the characters (her friend Sam, our cute boy Chase, her mother, the detective and probably everyone else). Her sarcasm made me laugh out loud too many times to count and her assumptions regarding Chase turned into so many cute moments that I enjoyed enormously.
3. The best friend
Did I tell you how I liked their friendship? Did I? Sam is the cutest friend ever, she is one of a kind. I loved how she gave Hartley hopes that Chase might like her, how they picked up clothes for different ‘dates’, how they got into trouble together and then out of them. She is cute, and funny, and a bit silly but in some sort of sweet way.
4. The cute guy
I liked Chase in the first book and I liked him in Social Suicide too, as mysterious as he might still be after all this time. Even though they’ve taken a step back from the first book, you can really tell that they like each other (not that he shows it that much; but the way Hartley thinks of him and the way she interprets the things he says or does, more with Sam’s help, it’s simply priceless). Also, I like it when a relationship doesn’t take over the action – so if you are looking for romance, this might not be the book for you; but if you are looking for the cuteness before actual romance then you might love this story.
5. The mother
Oh boy, the relationship between Hartley and her mother was the one that made me laugh probably the most. I loved all the scenes involving her mother and our pretty girl. You coud see that they cared for each other, but the sarcasm was always present making me adore every scene with the two of them.
6. The killer
I did know who that person was (well I was just one step ahead and a few pages, but still) and it was interesting to see our beloved characters trying to figure out what happened. I am not saying much about the ‘twittercide’ because I don’t want to spoil anything for you, but even though the revelation didn’t impress me much, the journey was the one that counted. And the journey was full of happy hurting-bellies-and-cheeks kind of moments.
This is one of my favorite series. Everytime I want to laugh a bit I just pick up one of these books and read a few pages; it gets my mood up in no time and it puts a big smile on my face that lasts for hours.
I just read Deadly Cool this week, and I can’t wait to read Social Suicide. Great review 🙂
Also, it is astonishing how much time I can spend turning on and off the light on your blog. I just love the design so much!
Thanks a lot Hannah, I am really glad that you like it 😀 I’m playing around with it from time to time too ;)))
As for the book, what are you waiting for? Go have fun with it!
I haven’t read the first one but I really want to!! LOVE your review and totally makes me wish I would have picked up Deadly Cool arlready!
You really should, as it is amazingly funny and cute ;))
I just downloaded the first one. I love light and funny reads!
I hope you will like it as well. Happy reading 😉
I dont like it.
Had me scared for a bit :p
joke ^^ my gf downloaded one .. it is interesting..
Well, it’s a bit girly so I am not surprises that you are not head over heels in love with it ;)) I am glad that you liked it though!