“Maybe. But you know, when you love someone you love them. And every day you sit back pretending that you don’t is one less day you have with him.”
I think “cute” is the right word for this.
I like it when a book takes me by surprise, and this one did quite a good job at it.
I still feel the need to warn you that it felt terribly cliché in the first half (dark boy, popular girl, jealous boyfriend, English project – ringing a bell? because I hear a whole carol in my head), but it got impressively surprising by the middle (I liked the “acceptance letter” and the dark boy’s secret), with quite a nice ending, and bonus points for the family involvement and the good friendship moral values – so I guess that 3 stars it’s a good average between my at-times-2-vs-4-stars battle.
Nice & quick summer book anyways.
Favorite quotes:
“I’m all for getting trashed,” I confess.
“I’m sure you are, except I’ll clue you in on a little something: when it’s over, your problems still exist.” (~Parker)
“No. I mean, med school is THE greatest challenge, right? I want to see if I can make it.”
“This isn’t about a challenge” he says, a flash of anger in this eyes.” “This is about finding what you love to do: doing something that makes you happy.” (~Parker)
“That’s stupid. Everyone lies.”
“Yeah, well, it’s a waste of time. The more lies you tell the more stories you have to remember. Believe me: it’s easier to just be honest.” (~Parker)