Another Aussie book on my shelf full of awesome ;))
To be honest, it’s more like 4.5 because the last part of it was so-and-so, but anyways it’s hard to tell how much I loved this book. It’s great.
This is one of those books that you take in your hands and then you can’t put down. I started reading it late at night and the first thing I did in the morning was to finish it.. no breakfast for me until the last page.
I liked Zeraphina (still, I didn’t like her name) – she was a bit stubborn, but she meant good, she was a bit selfish and childish, but also sweet and caring. I liked the relationship between her and her sister, and the fact that she wanted to protect her. Even though her intentions were at the beginning a bit selfish she always wanted nothing but happiness for Lizbeth.
When she was young, Zeraphina almost died of sickness. She doesn’t remember much about that time and her mother doesn’t say a word about it, but she knows that after that she started to change – her eyes turned glassy blue, her hair became dark, as a teenager she started to have strange dreams and to feel an awful blood thirst – now she doesn’t know anymore who she is, what she is, what is normal, and why it is not.
In the dreams she hears a voice calling for her, and the desire to go to the North becomes unbearable. Mostly, the secrets in this book go around her thirst for blood, and the journey to the North where innocent Lizbeth was to meet her prince.
There Fina (as a nickname for Zeraphina) will meet the king’s advisor, Rodden, the one who will steal her stubborn heart. The relation between them is something to look for, the moments with them are amazingly funny, and sweet, and the chemistry is great too.
I kept laughing and hoping for them to figure a way to keep quiet for a minute or so, such that they could see how much they liked each other without ruining the moment.
I loved the tournament with them competing against each other, and the prize is of course.. priceless ;))
I’ll give you some clues for some of the moments I loved without spoiling them for you:
– peacock
– (under the) bed
– tournament
– costume
– ears
You should definitely read the book for more 😉
I don’t make a habit of commenting on reviews, but I have to say that peacock dress is gorgeous! Also, you listed some of my favourite moments 🙂 But I can’t think what the ears scene is…? Bad author, huh.
Thank you, I tried to find the perfect ‘peacock girl’ and (except for the light hair and the pigeon on the right) I think she fits the story very well.
Now about the ears, I am glad I could even make you curious about my clues, or maybe I am just no good at playing this game, ha haa.
I can bet that everyone else will think about Zeraphina and Rodden (whispering something in her ears maybe) and they might be right as well, but i was thinking about Zeraphina and Leap twitching his ears – it’s funny, because if I had her ‘powers’ I would try the same things just for the fun of it 😀