“You never know how much time you’ll have.”
I give this book 5 stars because is just such an amazing book. I really, really love it!
At first sight it looks like it’s a book about aliens, but in reality is a book about human kind, and it’s questioning how much humanity remains in us all.
It’s a book about survival, about love (so many types of love: loving yourself, loving the planet you live on, loving your family, your friends), about finding yourself… a book about trust, friendship and faith.
It starts kind of slow, but as you get through the story you can see how amazing it can be… so captivating, so entertaining.
The main characters are Melanie and Wanda (the body and the soul) and they take you in a journey not only to find the people they love but to find themselves, to understand the reasons to lose everything for love, the reason to give your life for the people you can’t live without.
There is enough action to keep you reading, but the story is deeper than that, it’s not about what the characters do but why they do that, it’s not about whom they love but why they can’t resist the feeling, it’s not about what they say but about what they think.
This book is all about emotions, and reading about how the characters feel in every scene makes the story so real, so true… you can feel the pain, the anger, the faith, the love, the hope…
It’s a carousel of emotions and that is what makes this book so good, because it’s just so close to your heart.
If you are looking for adventure and lots of action and UFOs this is not a book for you, but if you are looking for an emotional, tear-dropping story this might be the one.
Image featuring Saoirse Ronan.
“It’s not the face, but the expressions on it.
It’s not the voice, but what you say.
It’s not how you look in that body, but the thing you do with it.
You are beautiful.” ~ Ian
The Host – book and movie
Later Edit:
– Read my latest review for The Host here – but be careful, it contains major spoilers.
– Read my thoughts about the movie here (you can also see there the latest trailer that I love to pieces).
Check this article to see the actors to play in the movie. You can also see some set pictures and watch a video from behind the scenes. Have fun!
This is my absolute favorite book. The ups, the downs, the unexpected turns. Drama, love, family… IAN, IAN, IAN, IAN… <3 sorry, I just had to swoon for a second there. Really all in all I loved this book. I reread it almost monthly ;). Thank you for reviewing this book! 🙂
I know the feeling, I guess I still have a bit of a crush on Ian as well. And the story is wonderful, I love it after all this time.
I absolutely, completely, wholly agree with you! When i read your review it was like something i would write about it. i mean …… words fail me when i talk about it. you are right about the love thing. I used to have such huge fights with my little brother when he came to my room unannounced or other such trivial matters but after i read it i realized what a blessing he was.
And of course who can forget <3 Ian <3 who is, like, THE character!!! no fictional hero can surpass him =)
There’s no one quite like Ian. He is protective, caring.. gorgeous (which helps too). In the beginning the thought never crossed my mind – that I will get to know him better and love him as much as I did. There are other characters I love too in this story, but I have such a crush on Ian.. oh, Ian!
BTW, I came back from my sister’s place today (we live in different cities) and you are right: now that I see her only from time to time, I miss even the times we had together and we spent them fighting, LOL!
I hate the Twilight “Saga”. I ADORE The Host!
I try not to make the connection with the Twilight series, as they are nothing alike and this story here is indeed very, very good and so much better (at least in my opinion).
So yeah.. I adore “The Host” too (hopefully the movie won’t disappoint)