Finally a book that caught my attention..
And what a wonderful story this was!
I know: I am shameless. Never reading the ARCs when I’m supposed to, having the attention span of a toddler – switching between books like a mad woman until I find one that suits me. Well, it’s all part of my charm (or so I lie to myself).
But the truth is, I really don’t know why it took me so long to get to this wonderful story. It’s incredible: unique, with fleshed out characters, with a confusing intrigue that only gets more interesting with each page, and a world built so wonderfully – half fantasy, half dystopia, a great mix that left me in awe. Well.. I still have no freaking idea what an Aether really is, but at this point I am over it, I don’t care!
So I went into this story blindly.
Maybe at some point when I requested the ARC I did know what it was about, still those details got lost between tons of other storylines, but I don’t regret it, as it took me by surprise and I loved it.
* Tons of exclamation points and animated GIFs should follow.
This is how excited I am about it. *
“And in life, at least her new life, chances were the best she could hope for. They were like her rocks. Imperfect and surprising and maybe better in the long run than certainties. Chances, she thought, WERE life.”
I loved Aria (thank you dear, for living up to my name -of sorts-), I loved Perry, I loved their romance (which reminded me a bit of These Broken Stars)… And the secondary characters (especially Roar) were so amazing, I just I can’t wait to meet them again in the next instalment.
There was quite a bit of suspense, plenty of action, some sweet confusion and tons of awesomeness. I tell you, read this book as it is well worth it.
The characters grew through the story, they changed in a realistic way, the pacing was great both in terms of plot and romance and my only thought after finishing it was: “I need more!” Thank goodness I have the next ones as I wouldn’t be able to wait – not a single, tiny minute.
I like hate-to-love romances. It’s true.
But this one is special because it was slowly built, I was there when it happened, I was falling for them too step by step – it was sweet, it felt real, it melted my heart just a bit.
For someone who’s lived her entire life roaming between fake words, Aria had a great gasp of where she was standing, and I admired her force and will to become stronger, to learn more, fight better, keep alive.
Perry had a tough life. He knew his strength but didn’t gasp his true worth. He was defined by his first step into this word and sensing everyone’s thoughts he has lost his faith in quite everyone. He needed to learn how to trust again, how to be loved and give his heart in return. There was more pain in his path and maybe that’s why I cared for him a bit more. But well, his happiness went hand-in-hand with Aria’s, so I guess deep down I cared for them both and their fate.
Anyways, I don’t want to tell you too much about this series.
If I’m not the last person on the face of the Earth reading this book, then you’ll just have to read it and find out on your own. But if I actually am – well, you know how awesome this book is, thanks for reading my ramblings though 😉
Happy midnight reading!
Book source: Copy received for review from the publisher. I can never thank you enough!
Pre-review thoughts:
I don’t know why it took me so long to pick up this book.
It was absolutely fantastic: the dystopian world, the wonderful characters, the fantasy feel attached to it. Everything!
This is probably one of the best stories I’ve read in a quite a while!
PS: I actually own (in paper format) the UK edition of this series (the last book being preordered). Still, I kept on top the blue cover from the US ARC.
I think I’m going to give this book a try! I hope it’s as good as everyone says it is! Now, I’m probably the last person on earth who hasn’t read it!
I really hope that you will enjoy it just as much. Be patient with the beginning if something seems confusing in any way. It is really a great story!
I love this series so much! Need more Roar. And Aria. And Perry.
I’m happy that you liked it too! 😀
I know! I did finish the whole series, reviews will come soon. I loved them all and I already miss all these characters!
When I started reading this book, I didn’t give importance…
But now, I’m really happy with the story, so captivating and Aria is swetly incredible.
I’ll start the second book in this weekend! o/
I became a fan of this saga.. and of your site too. It’s amazing!!!
Thanks, DD! I enjoyed this series too and it was different than what I was expecting. I hope that you will enjoy the next books just as much!