Dreaming after Midnight (#8) Froi

Dreaming after Midnight (#8) Froi

in Dreaming after Midnight


Froi (from Froi Of The Exiles by Melina Marchetta)Froi (from Froi Of The Exiles by Melina Marchetta)

“I’ll come and find you wherever you are. I’ll not stop breathing until I do.”

What do we know about him?What do we know about him?

Do you remember him from “Finnikin of the rock“?
Froi is a thief whom Evanjalin and Finnikin meet on their journey. He has a nasty attitude which worsens when Evanjalin enslaves him, but slowly starts to become better throughout the story.
Three years after the curse on Lumatere was lifted, Froi has found his home with the people who loved him and thought him to be a better person.
But soon he is to be sent to an assassinate mission that might or might not bring him back to Lumatere.

“You’re an assassin made up of the garbage of this kingdom. You have Seeker eyes and you have the face of scum from Ambroi”


#1: He is an assassin, but he is good at it (even though his last mission was not his best) and he shares his knowledge with the ones that need it the most:

“And that’s how you protect yourself from an assassin?” he demanded, removing the dagger from her hand. “If you really want to be successful, you give yourself five seconds to kill a man.”
#2: He has a good sense of humor:
“Are you an idiot, or an idiot?” Gargarin hissed.
“The first one. I really resent being called the second.”
#3: He is caring:
“I never imagined I was looking for something in a woman. But if I did, I’d have to judge her by the way I felt laying beside her before I went to sleep at night and how I felt in the morning waking up to her.”
#4: He would sacrifice everything for the ones he loves:
“All he knew was that he would kill to protect Quintana”

#1: He has a bit of a temper:

“You know it’s safe to come with me.”
“She knows nothing of the sort,” Froi said, “and if you don’t step back, I’ll break that hand in places you didn’t think there were bones.”
..so he has to count to 10 and let the anger wash over him:
“Froi did a lot of counting”

So, why Jonathan Rhys Meyers?

Because he fits the description, because I looked at his pictures from “The Tudors” series and all I could think about was how much he resembles Marchetta’s character from my mind.

See all my Book Boyfriends here!
Happy midnight dreams, girls!


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22 responses to “Dreaming after Midnight (#8) Froi”

  1. Jess@Book Passion for Life says:

    I LOVE Jonathan Rhys Meyers! He’s wonderful. And I haven’t heard about this book, but I will definitely think about picking them up.


    • Ari says:

      I love Marchetta’s books so I would recommend all her books, but this one is one of my very favorites 🙂 I really hope that you will like it if you get the chance to read it 😉
      And yes, Jonathan has his charm ;))

  2. A great pick! I definitely see him as this character. Great quotes. I love how you included all aspects of his character, humor, temper, and sense of humor.
    Here’s My Book Boyfriend

    • Ari says:

      I didn’t think I would get to like Froi as much as I did, but in fact I loved him.
      There were so many great quotes that would define him even better, but I tried to keep the post as spoiler free as posible ;)))

  3. Jennifer says:

    I’ve never read this, but I want to now! I adore Jonathan! I love characters who are so much more than they appear! Great choice this week.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  4. Missie Bee says:

    Your MBB posts are always so pretty! I love them to pieces. 🙂

    I’m a huge fan of Melina Marchetta contemporary works, but I have yet to read her fantasy novels, but I’ve been wanting too. Those quotes are fun. The idiot one made me LOL!

    • Ari says:

      This series is absolutely amazing. I love it as much as Jellicoe Road, and even though this is some sort of fantasy, there is the same amount of drama and humour in it. There is no possible way to not love it. Read it, I can’t wait to see what you think of it 😀

  5. Prangon says:

    Jonathan Rhys Meyers is full of amazeballs. Love him to bits in Tudors.
    Froi sounds like a very interesting character, someone I will like to know more about 🙂

    • Ari says:

      I hope you’ll get to know him 🙂
      Both this and the first book in the series are amazing (if you like Marchetta’s books you will love this one too – it’s completely different than her other books, but amazing nevertheless)

  6. Lis KrKmo says:

    This actor look amazing, and I agree, this sounds like Froi.
    Thanks from sharing, I´ll be looking forward this book!
    Happy reading!

  7. Nea Barabea says:

    haha he is funny 🙂 I like him! Haven’t heard of this book before though 😛

  8. Hrose2931 says:

    That is an excellent MBB post! I don’t do them b/c I’m terrible at finding pictures or even having a book boyfriend (Hex Boys not withstanding) But I love the way you have your quotes and pictures lined up and I love those quotes! I think I may have to read this one. Do you think I need to read The Piper’s Son first to understand this one? I’ve been trying to read Jellicoe Road since I started blogging and haven’t gotten through it yet. I know this is way off the Book Boyfriend post, but I’m just asking since you posted about Froi.


    • Ari says:

      Many thanks, my dear, I am really happy that you liked the article 🙂

      Now about Marchetta’s books, I think I need to clarify a bit:
      – ‘The Piper’s Son’ is a book companion to ‘Saving Francesca‘ (not like in a series but they are related as the characters are in part same from Saving Francesca)
      – ‘Jellicoe Road‘ is simply amazing – you only need to get past the first 100 pages, which are a bit confusing, but then you will definitely love it.
      – The ‘Lumatere Chronicles‘ is a series, fantasy I guess (but I am not good at classifying books, LOL). The first one if “Finnikin of the Rock” and the seocnd is “Froi of the Exiles” (the first one can act like a standalone, but for the second one you really need to read Finnikin)

      I hope this helps 🙂
      Thanks for stopping by.

  9. Love your pick! I haven’t read the series yet, but I am totally checking it out now for sure! He is super yummy, great images! 🙂

    Here’s mine:


  10. Maja says:

    Yes! Good job, Ari, that’s exactly how I imagined him. hahaha, and saying that Froi has a bit of a temper is a huge understatement.
    Awesome post, my darling!

    • Ari says:

      Thanks, hun, I think I like Froi better now that I have a visual image of him ;))
      BTW, Lisa said something about you knowing about a book with a better romance than ‘Wander Dust’ .. he hee, was it Unravelling? 😀

  11. Amber Skye says:

    I absolutely love this! Ah, Froi. What will we do with you and your temper?

    CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT BOOK. Seriously, I think I’m going to die of suspense. And because I haven’t read about Froi in a while.

    • Ari says:

      I can’t wait for the next book either. At least we won’t have to wait too much – September 26th in Australia.. I think I’ll get it from there ;))

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