I’m back and with goodies!
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure to read Deadly Design, a story about the preciousness of life and all that one could do in order to keep his heart beating.
Today I have a surprise for you, courtesy of Debra Dockter and Penguin/G.P. Putnam’s Sons: some insights into the inspirational process behind this story and the chance to win an ARC of this lovely book (though the giveaway is restricted to US only).
Have fun!
by Debra Dockter
For Deadly Design, I was inspired by the amazing and controversial field of genetic engineering. To imagine that parents who carry the genes for a devastating disease can have a healthy baby is wonderful. Just a few weeks ago, Great Britain passed a law enabling in vitro fertilization to be done with the genetics of three different biological parents for that very purpose.
At the same time, this technology means we could potentially make designer babies – superior beings. As an author, who could ask for more inspiration than something that sounds so sci-fi but is actually possible!
Kyle, the main character, was born out of my fascination with twins, and the possibilities of identical twins being born years apart. What would it be like to always be able to see yourself just slightly in the future? And what would it be like if the older, identical version of yourself was so perfect, you felt like you could never compete?
I’m not a fan of love triangles, but it seemed unrealistic that Kyle wouldn’t be jealous of every aspect of his older brother’s life, including his girlfriend, Emma. At the same time, as Kyle grows and matures and gains the backbone he so desperately needs, how could he not become, well…irresistible. I definitely felt he deserved a love interest of his own, and show is a character I think many can identify with.
I know some writers use outlines and like to know the ending before they write the beginning. I’m just not that organized. (A peek into my closet proves that!) The writing process itself is an adventure to me. I go on the journey and see where I end up, and hopefully, I’m as surprised as the reader.
Deadly Design by Debra Dockter
Genetically engineered identical twins Kyle and Connor McAdams were born two years apart. Their parents figured it was safer that way, to increase their odds of survival.Connor was born first, paving an impossibly perfect path for Kyle to follow. He was the best at everything—valedictorian, star quarterback etc. Kyle never thought he’d be able to live up, so he didn’t even try.
But when Connor, 18, suddenly drops dead of a heart attack, and Kyle learns of other genetically modified kids who’ve also died on their eighteenth birthdays, he’s suddenly motivated—to save his own life. Like Connor and all the rest, Kyle was conceived at the Genesis Innovations Laboratory, where the mysterious Dr. Mueller conducted experiments on them.
The clock’s ticking as Kyle searches for answers: who was Dr. Mueller really, and what did he do to cause their hearts to stop at eighteen? He must unravel the clues quickly, before, he too, becomes another perfect, blue-eyed corpse.
The emotional power of If I Stay meets the survival story of Maze Runner.
Preorder: BookDepository [INT] Amazon [US] Books-Express [RO] Goodreads
Thank you all for stopping by and good luck with the giveaway:
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One ARC, delivered by the publisher
this sounds interesting
It is an interesting book indeed. If you entered the giveaway I wish you good luck!
you know, i’ve never actually seen author say they hate love triangles! (i might’ve assumed most of them were okay with it since it was in one, or many, of the books they’ve written) it’s really nice to see that she doesn’t like them! it seems really interesting, a book based on genetic engineering
Love triangles are very tricky and I usually prefer to stay away form them, if there is not a great reason behind using one (even then I can be pretty sceptical). But in a way, and this might sound rash, I think that also some readers might as well enjoy them, otherwise authors wouldn’t use them in their books so often. Sometimes they are needed to make a point, but when they only bring unnecessary drama into a book I am completely against.
In this book there was a softer version, less dramatic, that I almost overlooked – as the story progressed naturally along with the main character.