Some covers are.. so yummy!
…And just look at this beauty here! (hover to unveil the cover):
Preorder: BookDepository (INT)
About the book:
A companion novel to AMPLIFIED by Tara Kelly.“I lied my way into a band, humiliated them on stage, and got my heart broken by the bassist. Now…we’re on tour together.
Of course my dad, who I haven’t seen since he kicked me out, makes a surprise visit the day before we leave. Spoiler alert: It doesn’t go well. I have to quit the band and go to college or he’s cutting me out of his life for good.
This tour is the best opportunity we may ever have – and it’s already a disaster. We’re broke. We can’t stop fighting. And being in such close quarters to Sean isn’t exactly helping me get over him. Even though we’re just friends now, every time our fingers brush or our eyes catch, my heart betrays me. He’s the kind of distraction I can’t afford to have right now…no matter how much I wish things were different.
This is one road trip that will be hard to forget…
Expected publication: December 5, 2016 by Entangled Embrace
If you haven’t read Amplified by Tara Kelly, then you are missing out on a great romantic comedy. One full of sarcasm, with a swoon-worthy book boyfriend, with a witty main character that you will love, with a great cast of secondary characters that bring humour into the scene.. Oh, I can’t recommend it enough!
And now, back to this lovely book.
I am telling you this only once, I’ve already called dibs on Sean before and I am reinforcing it. He’s mine! You can get Felix or Bryn, I don’t care, just move away your grabby hands now, will you?
Seriously, I’ve been waiting for so long for this book (What? Did you think I wasn’t serious about Sean being mine? Well, that is not up for discussion, is it?), I can’t believe I will have it soon enough. I’ve been dreaming about it, about the band, about our sweet couple. I can never have enough of them all and I’ll savour each moment I get with them in this new book.
On the 4th of December my baby boy is turning 1. Yes, one perfect year of being someone’s mommy. The greatest of my entire life. But on the 5th… on the 5th this book is all mine!
Fan-made AMPLIFIED graphic, created by me:
PS: I have no idea when did this cover come out, it might be a second or 10th look at it for you. I just saw it now (the former one did not inspire me much, but this version is dead right!) and figured I had to share it with you all.