Another year has gone by..
With ups and downs, with happy moments and sad ones, with great books to read and books that I’ve already forgotten, with stories that I will keep in my heart forever, with moments that changed me and moments that defined me, with words unspoken and dreams unknown..
And here we are, looking back to 2012 – a great year full of changes, where the one thing that remained the same is the passion for reading.
According to GoodReads I read 89 book (started a few more, but unfortunately didn’t manage to finish), and you can see below the best of the best – the books that I loved, the books I am happy to share with you all:
[Contemporary] Just like you and me:
[Paranormal] When the impossible becomes possible:
[Fantasy] All these amazing worlds:
[Dystopia] The future holds the key:
[Self-Published] From the author’s heart directly:
Note: I read the self-published version and I know that some publishers have acquired the rights for them in the meantime.
[Short stories] This tiny piece of happiness:
[Emotional] Should come with a pack of tissues:
[Mystery] Suspense with a touch of humour:
But this is not an ending, this is also a beginning. See you around in the next year!
What other books did you love in 2012?
Happy midnight reading,
There are so many books on this list that I wanted to read but didn’t get around to. Maybe they will make my faves of 2013 list though. 🙂
I know that we can’t love all the books we read, but I hope that you will love as many of them as posible. They are really great 🙂